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              Listing of International Standard Country Codes


              Afghanistan- AF

              Albania- AL

              Algeria- DZ

              American Samoa- AS

              Andorra- AD

              Angola- AO

              Anguilla- AI

              Antigua and Barbuda- AG

              Argentina- AR

              Armenia- AM

              Aruba- AW

              Australia- AU

              Austria- AT

              Azerbaijan- AZ

              Azores- PT


              Bahamas- BS

              Bahrain- BH

              Bangladesh- BD

              Barbados- BB

              Belgium- BE

              Belize- BZ

              Benin- BJ

              Bermuda- BM

              Bhutan- BT

              Bolivia- BO

              Bosnia-Hercegovina- BA

              Botswana- BW

              Brazil- BR

              British Indian Ocean Territory- IO

              British Virgin Islands- VG

              Brunei Darussalam- BN

              Bulgaria- BG

              Burkina Faso- BF

              Burma (Myanmar)- BU

              Burundi- BI

              Belarus- BY


              Cambodia- KH

              Cameroon- CM

              Canada- CA

              Canary Islands- ES

              Canton and Enderbury Islands- KI

              Cape Verde- CV

              Cayman Island- KY

              Central African Republic- CF

              Chad- TD

              Chile- CL

              China- CN

              Christmas Island- CX

              Cocos (Keeling) Island- CC

              Colombia- CO

              Comoros- KM

              Congo (Brazzaville)- CG

              Cook Islands- CK

              Costa Rica- CR

              Croatia- HR

              Cuba- CU

              Cyprus- CY

              Czech Republic, The- CZ


              Denmark- DK

              Djibouti- DJ

              Dominica- DM

              Dominican Republic- DO


              Ecuador- EC

              Egypt- EG

              El Salvador- SV

              Equatorial Guinea- GQ

              Eritrea- ER

              Estonia- EE

              Ethiopia- ET


              Falkland Islands (Malvinas)- FK

              Faroe Islands- FO

              Fiji- FJ

              Finland- FI

              France- FR

              French Guiana- GF

              French Polynesia- PF

              French Southern and Antarctic Lands- TF


              Gabon- GA

              Gambia- GM

              Gaza Strip- GZ

              Georgia- GE

              Germany, Federal Republic of- DE

              Ghana- GH

              Gibraltar- GI

              Greece- GR

              Greenland- GL

              Grenada- GD

              Guadeloupe- GP

              Guam- GU

              Guatemala- GT

              Guinea- GN

              Guinea-Bissau- GW

              Guyana- GY


              Haiti HT-

              Heard Island and Mcdonald Island- HM

              Honduras- HN

              Hong Kong- HK

              Hungary- HU


              Iceland- IS

              India- IN

              Indonesia ID

              Iran- IR

              Iraq- IQ

              Ireland- IE

              Israel- IL

              Italy- IT

              Ivory Coast- CI


              Jamaica- JM

              Japan- JP

              Johnston Atoll- UM

              Jordan- JO


              Kampuchea, Democratic- KH

              Kazakhstan- KZ

              Kenya- KE

              Kiribati- KI

              Korea, North- KP

              Korea, South- KR

              Kuwait- KW

              Kyrgyzstan- KG


              Lao Peoples' Democratic Republic- LA

              Latvia- LV

              Lebanon- LB

              Lesotho- LS

              Liberia- LR

              Libya- LY
              Liechtenstein- LI

              Lithuania- LT

              Luxembourg- LU


              Macau- MO

              Macedonia (Skopje)- MK

              Madagascar- MG

              Madeira Island- PT

              Malawi- MW

              Malaysia- MY

              Maldives- MV

              Mali- ML

              Malta- MT

              Marshall Islands- MH

              Martinique- MQ

              Mexico- MX

              Mauritania- MR

              Mauritius- MU

              Micronesia, Federated States of- FM

              Midway Islands- UM

              Moldova- MD

              Monaco- MC

              Mongolia- MN

              Montserat- MS

              Morocco- MA

              Mozambique- MZ

              Myanmar (See Burma)-BU


              Namibia- NA

              Nauru- NR

              Nepal- NP

              Netherlands- NL

              Netherlands Antilles- AN

              New Caledonia- NC

              New Zealand- NZ

              Nicaragua- NI

              Niger- NE

              Nigeria- NG

              Niue- NU

              Norfolk Island- NF

              North Korea- KP

              Northern Mariana Islands- MP

              Norway- NO


              Oman- OM


              Pakistan- PK

              Palau- PW

              Panama- PA

              Papua New Guinea- PG

              Paraguay- PY

              Peru- PE

              Philippines PH

              Pitcairn Island PN

              Poland PL

              Portugal PT

              Puerto Rico PR


              Qatar QA


              Reunion RE

              Romania RO

              Russia RU

              Rwanda RW


              St. Christopher KN

              St. Helena SH

              St. Kitts and Nevis KN

              Saint Lucia LC

              St. Pierre and Miquelon PM

              Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VC

              Samoa WS

              San Marino SM

              Sao Tome and Principe ST

              Saudi Arabia SA

              Senegal SN

              Seychelles SC

              Sierra Leone SL

              Singapore SG

              Slovakia SK

              Slovenia SI

              Solomon Islands SB

              Somalia SO

              South Africa ZA

              South Korea KR

              Spain ES

              Spanish Africa ES

              Sri Lanka LK

              Sudan SD

              Suriname SR

              Svalbard Jan Mayen Island SJ

              Swaziland SZ

              Sweden SE

              Switzerland CH

              Syrian SY


              Taiwan TW

              Tajikistan TJ

              Tanzania TZ

              Thailand TH

              Togo TG

              Tokelau TK

              Tonga TO

              Trinidad and Tobago TT

              Tunisia TN

              Turkey TR

              Turkmenistan TM

              Turks and Caicos Island TC

              Tuvalu TV


              Uganda UG

              Ukraine UA United Arab Emirates AE United Kingdom GB

              United States US

              United States Minor Outlying

              Islands UM

              Uruguay UY

              Uzbekistan UZ


              Vanuatu VU

              Vatican City VA

              Venezuela VE

              Viet Nam VN

              Virgin Islands of the United States VI


              Wake Island UM

              Wallis and Futuna Islands WF

              West Bank WE

              Western Sahara EH

              Western Samoa WS


              Yemen, Republic of YE

              Yugoslavia YU


              Zaire ZR

              Zambia ZM

              Zimbabwe ZW

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