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發(fā)布者:kingworld 發(fā)布時間:2011-03-18 10:58:51 閱讀:2252次 |
成品檢驗Checking of finished products 檢驗,檢查inspection, check 商檢commodity inspection 領(lǐng)面松wrinkles at top collar 領(lǐng)面緊top collar appears tight 領(lǐng)面起泡crumples at top collar 領(lǐng)外口松collar edge appears loose 領(lǐng)外口緊collar edge appears tight 底領(lǐng)伸出collar band is longer than collar 底領(lǐng)縮進collar band is shorter than collar 底領(lǐng)里起皺wrinkles at collar band facing 底領(lǐng)外露collar band lean out of collar 倘領(lǐng)偏斜collar deviates from front center line 領(lǐng)窩不平creases below neckline 后領(lǐng)窩起涌bunches below back neckline 駁頭起皺wrinkles at top lapel 駁頭反翹top lapel appears tight 駁頭外口松lapel edge appears loose 駁頭外口緊lapel edge appears tight 駁口不直lapel roll line is uneven 串口不直gorge line is uneven 領(lǐng)卡脖tight neckline 領(lǐng)離脖collar stand away from neck 小肩起皺puckers at shoulders 塌肩wrinkles at shoulder 袖隆起皺creases at underarm 袖隆縫起皺puckers at underarm seam 塌胸lack of fullness at chest 省尖起泡crumples at dart point 拉鏈起皺wrinkles at zip fly 止口不直front edge is uneven 止口縮角front edge is out of square 止口反翹front edge is upturned 止口反吐facing leans out of front edge 止口豁split at front edge 止口下部搭疊過多crossing at front edge 底邊起皺wrinkles at hem 后身起吊back of coat rides up 背衩豁開split at back vent 背衩搭疊過多crossing at back vent 絎棉起皺puckers at quilting 絮棉不均padded cotton is uneven 邊緣缺棉empty hem 绱袖不圓順diagonal wrinkles at sleeve cap 袖子偏前sleeve leans to front 袖子偏后sleeve leans to back 前袖縫外翻inseam leans to front 袖口起皺wrinkles at sleeve opening 袖里擰diagonal wrinkles at sleeve lining 袋蓋反翹top flap appears tight 袋蓋反吐flap lining leans out of edge 袋蓋不直flap edge is uneven 袋口角起皺creases on two ends of pocket mouth 袋口裂split at pocket mouth 腰頭探出end of waistband is uneven 腰縫起皺wrinkles at waistband facing 里襟里起皺creases at right fly 夾襠tight crotch 短襠short seat 后襠下垂slack seat 前浪不平wrinkles at front rise 襠縫斷線bursting of crotch seam 褲腳前后two legs are uneven 腳口不齊leg opening is uneven 吊腳pulling at outseam or inseam 燙跡線外撇crease line leans to outside 燙跡線內(nèi)撇crease line leans to inside 腰縫下口涌bunches below waistline seam 裙裥豁開 split at lower part of skirt 裙身吊split hem line rides up 裙浪不勻skirt flare is uneven 線路偏移stitch seam leans out line 雙軌接線 stitch seam is uneven 跳針 skipping 尺碼不符 off size 縫制不良stitching quality is not good 洗水不良washing quality is not good 熨燙不良pressing quality is not good 極光iron-shine 水漬water stain 銹跡rust 污漬spot 色差color shade, off shade, color deviation 褪色fading, fugitive color 線頭thread residue 毛頭raw edge leans out of seam 繡花不良embroidery design out line is uncovered
woven 梭織 balling up 起球 lint ball起球 pilling 起球 ballooning 布面小圈 flaw 織疵、疵點 flying threads 布面拖紗 float loop蛛網(wǎng) entering draft 蛛網(wǎng) excessive lift 多起 bore 破洞 duck eye 小洞(針織疵點) holes 破洞、破孔 cut across 開匹(疵布) curling selvedge 卷邊 rolled selvedge卷邊 baggy selvedge 松邊 loose edge/ selvedge松邊 tight list/selvedge 緊邊 dog-legged selvedge 彎曲布邊(由緯紗退繞張力引起) cut listing/ selvedge 破邊 broken selvedge 破邊 ripped selvedge 破邊 torn selvedge 破邊 edge end break 壞邊 pilled-in selvedge 縮邊 uneven selvedge 寬窄不勻布邊 rough selvedge 毛邊 hang pick 三角形破洞 narrow width 布幅不足 uneven cover 布面不勻 rowdy布面不勻 wavy face 波浪形布面 thick and thin places 厚薄段 thick filling 粗經(jīng) thread out 斷經(jīng) tight end/thread緊經(jīng)、急經(jīng) tight filling/pick 緊緯、急經(jīng) ridgy cloth 起伏不平的布 slack selvedge 起伏不平的布邊 selvedge float 布邊浮經(jīng)
絲 silk
Gum knots 膠著類(生絲疵點) Gummed books 絲把發(fā)硬 Gummed skeins 絲膠發(fā)硬 Double flat 雙經(jīng)/緯(生絲疵點) Double skeins 雙片絲(生絲疵點) break-mark 灰點(綢緞疵點) broken course 斷緯(絲) Cut ends 切絲 Corkscrews 螺旋類(生絲疵點) Corkscrew twist 螺旋疵(捻絲疵點) Corkscrews yarn 螺旋線(并線疵點) Hairiness 毛羽類 Heavy end 粗經(jīng) Heavy filling/pick 粗緯 Improper making of book 打把不正 Improper skein lacking 扣絲失當(dāng) Improper skein twisting 打絞不正 Irregular pick 緯疵 Irregular pile bar 長短絨檔 Irregular skeins 絲絞不正 Irregular traverse 絡(luò)交不正 Irregular twist streak 松緊捻檔 Knots 長結(jié) Knub 繅絲下腳,小糙疵 Loops 環(huán)結(jié) Marriages 雙絲 Nap 絨毛、拉絨 Pin hole 針洞 Raised threads 浮絲
其它 others frosting 霜白疵、起霜花(印染引起) blur 剪毛不良 barring 條痕、條花 bare cloth 稀布 Broken figures 錯花 Crack 稀弄 Cracked ends 筘痕 Defective lift 夾起 Darts and steels 刀線 Decating mark 布頭緯向皺橫 Duvet 小環(huán)結(jié) Fag 粗粒 Facing 拖漿、罩色(印花疵點) Felter 跳花、跳紗 harness skip跳花、跳紗 Gout 飛花織入 Loom fly飛花織入 Hard size 漿斑 Joining stencil mark 搭頭印(手工印花疵點) Keel 紅印色 Marking off 搭色 Mildew 霉、生霉 Minor defects 普通瑕疵、中類 Major defects次要瑕疵、大類 Super major defects 主要瑕疵、特大類 Mispick 錯緯 Weaving under 花紋少織(多梭箱織機的換緯運動不良造成) Starch lump 漿斑 Start-up marks 開車痕 Stripy defects 條花疵點 Reed mark 筘痕 Shuttle mark 局部紋路不明(主要由于開口運動或投梭失常所致) Snap/snappers 拖漿 Stain warp 漬經(jīng) Staining 斑點染色、染斑
1. 紗
1. 紗節(jié)Slubs 2. 橫檔Barre 3. 粗細(xì)紗Uneven Yarn (thick & thin) 4. 飛紗Yarn Contamination(foreign substance) 5. 僵棉D(zhuǎn)ead Cotton
2. 結(jié)構(gòu)
1. 漏紗Missing Line 2. 洞Holes 3. 筘痕Reed Mark 4. 直橫條Streaks 5. 停車橫條Stop Mark 6. 結(jié)Knots 7. 錯織Miss-weave / Mis – knit pattern
3. 染色
1. 色差Shading ( Color variation within width and length) 2. 色點Dye Spots / Dye Streaks 3. 色花Color Tone
4. Finishing
1. 手感 Hand / feel 2. 經(jīng)緯斜 Bowing 3. 歪斜 Skewing 4. 皺褶 Wrinkles / Fold Marks / Creases 5. 針眼 Pin Holes 6. 摺痕 Stop Marks 7. 門幅 Uneven Width 8. 起球 Pilling
5. Cleanliness
1. 污漬 Stains 2. 油漬 Oil / Grease Spots 3. 臟污 Dirt / Soil 4. 水痕 Water Marks
來源 http://www.cntranslators.com/news_list.jsp?id=22 |